What I'm Grateful For | February

What I’m Grateful For | February

The second month of the new year has come to a close and to me, it feels like New Years was just yesterday.

Numero dos in my monthly series. If you haven’t read my first grateful post, go have a read right here.

We’re still continuing the positivity train here and I want to share with you some things that I’m grateful for this month.

What I'm Grateful For | February

My car

Ok, so my car has been a lil flaky bitch to me for a while. Let me explain.

There have been some days throughout February where the Texas sun rears its ugly head saying, “Hi bitch, let me sizzle you with my light!”

This is the Texas Sun

And driving in a car…with the blazing sun out…while your car blows molten hot air from the fiery gates of hell in your face…it’s just not a pretty sight. It’s just not pretty period!

I have a love-hate relationship with my car. We’ve gone through some interesting times together.

Tires constantly need air.

A dead battery.

Its small space makes for uncomfortable make-out sessions.

But the thing that keeps failing is the AC. And if you know the Texas heat, AC is NECESSARY.

I am still forever grateful that I haven’t gotten stranded in the middle of a busy expressway, which is my biggest fear.

It still gets me from point A to point B safely. Can’t complain.

My friends

I cherish my friends dearly. Even though I don’t show it.

And sometimes, they’re a pain.

They really are.

But it wouldn’t be a true friendship without their unconditional love and support.

Things are still not the way I want them to be but getting to be able to talk to my friends when I need to, always brightens up my day. It makes me feel like I’m not outcasted by them.

I’m always thanking God for the friendships that I’ve had, that I currently have, and that I’ll make in the future.

For my friends reading this,  I appreciate our friendship deeply. There’s no one else like you 🙂 I love you.

Friendships mean the world to me, both new and old. Even the friends I don’t talk to anymore.

I hope you’re doing well.

My kitties

Ok enough of the soppiness.

Cause Imma get even soppier bitches!!!

Where do I begin…these cats are not only my pets, they are MY CHILDREN!.

My friends can attest to this 120%.

They are my everything. They have my whole heart. I love them like there’s no tomorrow.

You may see me as a sarcastic hard-shell of a person but as soon as I see my babies, they melt my heart like ice on a hot Texas day.

I am the type of person whose camera roll is probably 90% cat photos and 10% miscellaneous.

I will say good morning to my cats every morning. I give them weird names in a made up language that I spontaneously created. They are spoiled rotten.

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Says a lot that I made a slideshow of my cats…lol

Yes, I’m that person. Call me crazy cat lady!

They keep me sane but most importantly they keep me happy.

Yes, they are pets but they’re more family than anything else.  And for that and to every future cat that gets to be a part of this family, I’ll cherish you til the end. Always.

I’d like to know what you’re grateful for this month. Let me know in the comments 🙂

Be sure to share this on FB and Pinterest.

Until next time, peace Fam!

My Signature

18 thoughts on “What I’m Grateful For | February”

  1. I love this idea! It’s so hard to remember the things you are grateful for when life is beating you down. Thank you for the reminder that there are good things in life, even if it is tough to see them at times.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great idea! It’s too easy to focus on all the problems around us and forget about the good stuff. I definitely have a LOT to be grateful for at the moment!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am grateful for being able to have a direction for my blog in January which helped me worked better in it in February, but now I need more time for consistency.

    Liked by 1 person

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